Fascia is a structure and system of connective tissue that surrounds our muscles, blood vessels and nerves.
Working with fascia is an important part of Victoria’s Pilates teaching; as to work with fascia is to understand the body and make it stronger, fitter, more flexible as well as less painful and stiff.
Whenever a football player is not able to take to the pitch because of a recurrent calf spasm or a tennis player gives up because of knee problems or even a runner is limping to the finish line with a torn achilles tendon; the problem is usually neither in the musculature or the skeleton but in the structure of the connective tissue – Ligaments, tendons or joint capsule; which have been loaded beyond their present ability.
Focused Pilates training that includes working and releasing the fascial network is of great importance for athletes and dancers.
The benefits to those going about their everyday lives are also endless.
If you wish to increase strength and flexibility whilst improving posture and reducing pain then Pilates is the way.
Joseph Pilates knew that a stiff spine makes you feel old. Even if your limbs are fine, if you can’t move or control your spine effectively the limbs will not function as they should.
This is where the spinal segmental control within Pilates comes into the mat work routine to help increase the ease of every day functions from bending to lifting to sitting comfortably and sleeping soundly.